Why I'm Not Taking the "Silly" Holidays for Granted—and You Shouldn't Either!

Why I'm Not Taking the "Silly" Holidays for Granted—and You Shouldn't Either!

Before having Ellis, I never put much thought into the “silly” holidays. St. Patrick’s Day was an excuse to drink Guinness at the closest “Irish” pub (it 100% tastes better in Ireland by the way), Valentine’s Day was an excuse to eat a bunch of candy and splurge at a nice restaurant, and the rest didn’t really phase me unless they got me a day off. But now that I have a daughter, they’re starting to mean a little more to me.

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Resolutions, Resolutions, Resolutions...

Resolutions, Resolutions, Resolutions...

New year, new me, right? Right?

Nope, it’s definitely new year, same me. But I’m never one to diss the resolution game. I think it’s good (and healthy) to hit the reset button and try to improve on your life. So, this year I want to be more realistic on my resolution choices and focus on things that benefit more than just me, but my family for years to come.

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